• We are proud to provide our customers with the latest in innovative and top-tier solutions in Capacitors, semiconductor Fuses, IGBTs & thyristor modules. These components serve mainly as spare parts for inverters, UPSs & battery chargers.
  • As part of our mission, we are announcing our expansion into the Gulf area. This move reflects our dedication to reaching new horizons and serving a broader clientele with our high-quality products & services.
  • Our main customers come from a wide variety of industries like telecommunications, textiles, medical devices & power stations to name a few.


To stand among the top components’ suppliers in the markets of the Middle East and Africa by expanding our business in those markets. With a relentless commitment to excellence, innovation and customer satisfaction, we strive to be recognized for our superior products and reliable solutions.


To extend our footprint across the Middle East and Africa, driven by the commitment to serve a wider client-base with excellence. Specializing in delivering best-in-class products sourced from Europe associating with the biggest names in the industry. Our dedication to providing top-tier solutions underscores our vision to become the go-to partner for clients seeking unparalleled quality and reliability.


Is our priority, guiding every aspect of our operations to ensure unparalleled value in every product and service we offer. We adhere to high standards and continuous improvement processes.


We embrace innovation as a core value. We're all about coming up with new and better ideas to improve our products and services. We're constantly exploring new ways to innovate and stay ahead of the curve in the electronic components industry.


Speed is key. We strive to work quickly and efficiently to meet our customers' needs and deliver solutions promptly. We prioritize fast response times and swift delivery, ensuring that our customers get what they need when they need it.